5 Signs You Have a Mole Problem

Mole problem

A mole problem in your yard is time-sensitive, so it’s important to know what signs to watch for. If you act quickly, you can minimize mole damage to your lawn.

Many homeowners aren’t aware of the common signs of a mole invasion. This means that their yard suffers until the damage is significant such as a collapsed driveway.

In this article, we discuss mole damage and how to treat it. We also discuss mole damage vs vole damage to make sure you know the difference. Continue reading to learn how to save your yard.

1. Mounds of Dirt

Mounds of dirt are one of the first signs of mole damage to your lawn. These mounds signify either the entry or exit of an underground tunnel. Moles tunnel under your yard to access their underground homes or in search of food.

If you only notice a few mounds, your mole problem may be only starting. If you see many mounds, you might have more than one mole living in your yard. It’s common for two or three moles to share one acre of property. 

2. Raised Ridges

One of the most common signs of a mole problem is raised ridges in your yard. This occurs when moles dig tunnels underneath your lawn while they search for food. As they move, they displace soil, which can disturb surface soil.

If you live in a region with a lot of snow, it may be more difficult to detect this sign of mole damage in winter. They tend to dig deeper in winter as the surface soil freezes. 

3. Dead Grass

These tunnels are bad for the surface of your lawn because they displace the soil underneath. This disturbance causes brown spots in your grass. 

Dead or dying grass may outline the shape of the tunnels, but it can also be in larger patches. The longer you have moles, the worse the mole damage in your yard.

4. Sudden Growth of Weeds

Many homeowners are surprised that the sudden growth of weeds can be a sign of a mole problem in your yard. This occurs because of the disturbed and overturned soil. 

They make ideal conditions for weeds by killing grass and providing fresh soil. This makes it easier for the weeds to take root. 

5. Loose Soil

Another side effect of mole damage is loose soil. Loose soil is another problem caused by tunneling. If you notice soft spots in your grass, it’s likely there’s a tunnel beneath the surface.

If left to terrorize your lawn, a mole problem in your yard can result in extreme damage. Examples include collapsed driveways and ground pools. 

Moles tend to dig down around 10 inches below the surface where it’s easier to find food. However, they can dig further due to powerful front claws. 

Mole Identification

Because of the large amount of damage they cause, it’s surprising that moles are small in size. Their bodies are only about 5-6 inches in length and weigh 3-4 ounces. They are characterized by their dark fur, small eyes, a long, hairless snout, and disproportionately large webbed forefeet. 

Being able to identify a mole is important so you can use the right prevention and control strategies. Moles are sometimes confused with voles because of the similar name and the similarities in vole vs mole damage. 

Mole vs Vole Damage

The only similarity between voles and moles is that both tunnel underground. Voles look very different from moles in that that they look like mice with short tails.

Voles are also vegetarian while moles are carnivorous (they eat meat). This is evident when you compare mole vs vole damage.

The entrances/exits of a vole’s tunnels are typically found underneath the leaves of plants and in other areas of vegetation. They are likely to devour your garden from the roots. 

How to Fix Your Mole Problem

Once you’ve identified that you have a mole problem, your next goal is likely to prevent as much mole damage to your lawn as possible. Two key parts of treating a mole issue are removal through trapping followed by prevention.

Mole Trapping

The best way to get rid of moles is through trapping. Trapping is also a preferred method to poison. This is because poison bait rarely affects the moles. 

Once moles move into your yard, they don’t leave. The problem only worsens with time as does the amount of mole damage.

For these and other reasons, we recommend working with a professional mole removal company. At Trap Your Moles, we use humane methods to lure and capture the moles in your yard. Our testimonials show effective and reliable techniques.

Mole Prevention

After trapping, the next step is to prevent other moles from settling in. Start by considering why moles were attracted to your yard in the first place.

Oftentimes, moles chose yards because they have ample food supply. Check your soil for bugs and look into options for treating non-beneficial pests. For example, grubs can be treated with nematodes.  

You can also take measures to protect specific plants by surrounding them with underground wire mesh cages. Moles and rodents can’t chew through the wire mesh, keeping the plant safe. 

Watch Out for Signs of a Mole Problem

Keeping an eye out for signs of a mole problem in your yard is the best way to ensure they’re dealt with quickly. The longer they’re left to wreak havoc, the worse the mole damage to your lawn will be. 

Also, make sure you’re able to distinguish a mole from other yard pests. This will help you take proper steps in removing them and preventing them in the future. 

To get help with your mole problem, contact us today. 

The Problem with Ground Moles

ground moles

Did you know that the word “mole” comes from the term mold-warpe, which means “earth-thrower?” That’s such an apt name for these insectivores, seeing as they can dig tunnels at a rate and speed of 18 feet per hour. They have paws powerful enough to move and turn even the densest clay soils.

What’s more, the US is home to several of the 42 known species of ground moles. These include the Eastern mole, Townsend’s mole, and Broad-footed mole, to name a few. The Eastern mole is the most prevalent, though, as you can find them all the way from the Atlantic to Ohio to Florida.

As incredible as moles are, these garden pests can bring a host of problems if you allow them to let loose in your yard.

To that end, we created this guide discussing the most common ground mole problems. Read on to discover what they are and why you’d want these critters out of your property.

Potential Disease-Bringers

According to scientists, some species of moles are zoonotic hosts. They carry zoonotic pathogens that can result in zoonosis or zoonotic diseases. Zoonosis, in turn, is an infectious disease that jumps from a non-human animal to humans.

Rabies is a potential but rare zoonotic disease that moles may transmit to humans. Lyme disease and anaplasmosis are other health problems associated with moles. Moreover, some moles may be a host to a tick that carries Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.

While it’s rare for moles to cause those diseases, they can nonetheless. That should be enough reason to invest in professional ground mole removal services. You don’t want to contract those illnesses, as some, such as untreated Lyme disease, can be deadly.

Unsightly Mole Mounds and Streaks

Some mole mounds are visible ground mole damages that look like tiny volcanoes on the soil. These raised, grassless soil patches usually connect to deep mole tunnels. These deep tunnels are long; a single eastern mole can create a 160-foot tunnel within just one night.

Moles also create runways, which appear as raised, grassless streaks on soil surfaces. These ugly marks result from moles throwing all that earth around as they explore or search for food.

Water Accumulation in the Yard

The tunneling activity of moles not only creates actual tunnels; it also aerates the soil. Both effects then make it easier for water to penetrate and seep through the soil. The water can remain within the hollow tunnels, giving rise to water pooling and building up.

If there’s always water pooling up in your yard, it can attract other pests, such as mosquitoes. These insects are more than just pesky buggers; they can also cause diseases like dengue. What’s more, health experts say they can carry the West Nile Virus, too.

Plant Destruction

Speaking of water accumulation caused by moles, too much soil in the water can also drown plants. When your lawn is always wet, plant roots can rot, the leaves can turn yellow, and plants look wilted overall.

What’s more, the tunneling activity of moles can destroy plant roots. Again, that’s because these garden pests paw through the soil, displacing rooted plants.

You don’t want your garden plants to die, especially not if you rely on them for food.

So, as soon as you see withering plants without a clear cause, have your garden inspected for moles. The sooner an animal removal expert catches a mole, the fewer chances it has of reproducing. This then helps lower your odds of having to deal with a whole mole family.

Foundation and Slab Damage

The water that seeps through mole tunnels can make it all the way to your home’s foundation and slabs. From there, the water can pool up near foundations, freeze, and then thaw. Experts say these effects can make such structures more prone to cracks and damages.

Keep in mind that foundation damages can compromise your home’s structural integrity. For example, it can cause walls to bow, floors to become uneven, and surfaces to sink. So, the more severe the foundation damage, the more cracks that can develop on the walls, too.

In addition, foundation damage can make it difficult to close your doors and windows. This is a security risk you don’t want to take on, seeing as about 7 million property crimes occur in the US each year. As such, it’s best to hire ground mole trapping experts if you suspect moles to have invaded your property.

Damaged Plumbing Components

Mole burrowing and tunneling activities can result in garden sprinkler heads becoming uprooted. These can also cause warping damage on and displacement of underground water lines. All these, in turn, put your plumbing pipes at risk of leakage.

Keep in mind that the average US household has water leaks wasting up to 10,000 gallons annually. One in 10 homes even have leaks that waste 90 gallons a day.

So, if your water bills are going up without an obvious cause, you may have leaky underground water pipes. Some of those leaks may, in turn, be a result of mole activity.

If some areas of your lawn are always damp and you also see tunnels and streaks, you might have a ground mole problem. It’s best to call a ground mole removal specialist as soon as you notice these signs. It’s also a good idea to contact a local plumber if you do have damaged plumbing pipes.

Remove Those Ground Moles Invading Your Property Today

The fact that ground moles can destroy your garden is a good enough reason to remove them from your home. More than that, think about the diseases and property damage they can bring. That’s why the earlier you can get them out of your home, the better.

If you suspect moles are in your property, our Ohio and Kentucky licensed trappers can help. We provide not only mole but also other nuisance animal containment services. Get in touch with us now to learn more and to schedule your home for ground mole removal.