How to Keep Unwanted Animals Out of Your Yard

how to keep unwanted animals out of your yard

The real estate market did pretty well in the last few years, with over 6 million existing home sales in 2021 alone. Of course, most homebuyers got inspections and looked for standard problems. They looked for issues with roofs, plumbing, electrical systems, and foundation.

Yet, most people don’t give as much thought to problems like animals in your yard or garden. Also, around 34 percent of 2021’s homebuyers were first-time homebuyers.

If that’s you, there’s a good chance you don’t know how to keep unwanted animals out of your yard. The good news is that our quick guide will help you keep animals from invading your lawn.

Animals that Dig

On the whole, you don’t want most animals living in your garden or your lawn. They’re often hard on vegetation and will frequently eat vegetables in a garden. Any animals living in your lawn or garden are also likely animals that dig.

All of those holes and tunnels can prove expensive to repair. Plus, they’re a hazard for your lawnmower and your feet. Some of the common digging animals you see in lawns include moles, groundhogs, raccoons, chipmunks, and squirrels.

Now that you know the common culprits, how do you keep them away?

Modify the Area

Animals aren’t particularly hard to understand. They want food, shelter, and water, preferably in close proximity to each other. If you’re struggling with animals if your yard or garden, odds are good that they’re finding at least two, if not all three, of those things.

For example, if you have a birdbath, it’s a great source of water. If you pull some sod and see grubs, you’ve identified the food source.

Getting rid of convenient water sources and treating a grub infestation makes your lawn and garden must less enticing.

Repellants and Deterrents

You can also use a variety of repellants and deterrents. For example, you can put up fencing or use chemical deterrents. Chemical deterrents can come in a retail or DIY form.

You can also use devices, such as sonic spikes and motion sensor lights, to discourage animals from taking up residence on your lawn.


Removal isn’t a DIY project, and it’s even against the law for homeowners to try in some locations. For the best results, you’ll want a professional pest removal service that specializes in digging animals. They’ll know the best options for capturing and removing your unwanted animal guests.

How to Keep Unwanted Animals Out of Your Yard? Consider Your Options

The problem of how to keep unwanted animals out of your yard has several potential answers. You can try to modify the areas to remove easy sources of food and water.

You can also employ a variety of deterrents and repellants that range from fencing to chemical repellants and motion-activated lights. If those methods fail, you’ll likely need professional pest removal services to deal with the problem. offers pest removal services in Western Ohio, Eastern Indiana, and Northern Kentucky. For more information or schedule an appointment, contact today.

What Does a Ground Mole Look Like?

what does a ground mole look like

81% of Americans have a lawn. They ranked it as the second most important feature when buying a home, only behind a renovated kitchen. Any pest that ruins this important area is bound to get on their nerves, and one of the most common is the mole. 

There are at least 42 species, and they live in every continent except South America and Antarctica. At least 7 of them live in the United States. 

The star-nosed mole gets its name from its star-nosed snout, and the hairy-tailed mole gets its name from its hairy tail. The most common is the Eastern mole, otherwise known as the ground mole.

What does a ground mole look like? That question isn’t as easy to answer because it doesn’t have a stand-out physical feature like its cousins.

Read on to find out how to identify these pests and how to get rid of them once they enter your yard.

What Does a Ground Mole Look Like?

Looking up pictures of ground moles can help you know what to look for. They’re only 6-8 inches long and weigh less than a pound. Their fur is brow to dark gray. They have a snout protruding from their face.

One of the most distinguishing ground mole features is their feet. They’re large and paddle-like with large claws. They help the mole dig through the soil to find insects and worms to eat.

How Do I Know If I Have Them?

If you think you have an infestation, your first question should be “what does a ground mole look like?” The next one should be “what are the signs of mole damage in my yard?”

Ground moles dig their tunnels close to the surface. You may be able to see them, and they cause dead patches of grass. 

You may also be able to spot a molehill. They’re shaped like a volcano, only about 6 inches tall, and are connected to mole tunnels.

These tunnels and molehills can even increase the number of weeds in your yard. They uproot the existing root structures of your yard and allow weeds to thrive.

Ground mole signs also resemble the signs of voles. They’re rodents and are smaller with rounded ears. They also dig tunnels, but the major difference is that they eat plants instead of insects. This causes even more damage to your lawn, plants, and trees. Call a pest control expert to determine which one you have.

Who Should I Call to Get Rid of Them?

What does a ground mole look like? They don’t have a star-shaped nose or a hairy tail, but they do have a unique appearance.

One of the most notable ground mole characteristics is their flat, paddle-like feet that help them dig. They also have dark brown or gray fur and a protruding snout.

Look for the signs of their work in your yard. Check for tunnels, molehills, weeds, and uprooted plants.

Trap Your Moles can get rid of any ground mole infestation. Contact us for mole removal today.