What You Need to Know About Moles
The Eastern Ground Mole does not hibernate and consumes nearly 100% of its body weight in food every day. They work tirelessly day and night, tunneling for worms, grubs, and bugs. The end result is almost always a destroyed lawn. If you have moles in your yard, don’t wait. Take the first step to save your lawn by calling us. We’ll structure a plan of attack to get rid of your mole problem once and for all.
Top Mole Facts:
1) Once moles are in your yard, they rarely go away on their own.
2) As the years go by, the moles will reproduce, only increasing the damage to your yard.
3) Their tunneling can cause a lot of destruction to your yard. They can even collapse driveways, walkways, and above-ground pools.
4) The only way to truly get rid of moles for good is to trap them. Poison pellets, worms, and sound sticks are usually ineffective.
5) Our trapping methods are aggressive, constant, and effective.
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